Keto-Friendly Fruits: Can You Eat Fruits on the Ketogenic Diet?

by Eric Gordon on February 12, 2020

What You'll Learn...

  1. Fruit Has Changed Over Time
  2. Sugar Is In Fruit
  3. Fructose On Keto
  4. Are Fruits Nutritious
  5. Chinese Medicine Diet
  6. Top 15 Fruits To Eat On The Keto Diet
  7. Can You Eat Fruit On Keto?
All fruits are not created equally, and knowing which fruits are high in carbs and which are more keto-friendly will help you determine what fruits you can eat on keto. Most fruits taste sweet because they contain sugar. The more sugar they have, the sweeter they taste, and, sadly, the more carbs they have. However, some fruits have fewer carbs than others.
When you are on the keto diet, your goal is to reduce your carb intake and increase your healthy fat and protein consumption so that you can get your body into a state of ketosis. When your body is in ketosis, it uses the ketones from stored fats for energy rather than glucose that comes from carbs. The only way to achieve this is to limit your carb intake to less than 50 grams per day, and under 30 if you are just getting started. Fortunately, different fruits have different amounts of carbs, and you can find some that will work with your keto diet.

Fruit Has Changed Over Time

Many years ago, fruit grew in the wild, and people would pick it and eat it. Fruit is sweet, and it tastes good. In addition, it has healthy vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. As human beings began to settle down and farm, people began to farm fruit-bearing plants. People could select the qualities they liked best, and one of those qualities was sweetness.
The fruit that is grown today is bigger and sweeter than what used to grow in the wild, and it doesn’t contain the same nutritional value. Farming today focuses on faster growth rates and higher sugar content because the primary objective is increased sales and profits. As a result, this fruit has more carbs and less nutritional value.

Sugar Is in Fruit

Fruits contain naturally occurring sugar. There are three types of sugar: sucrose, fructose, and glucose. Fruits typically contain sucrose, which is a combination of fructose and glucose. These two sugars are simple sugars because each has only one sugar molecule.
Glucose is used to create energy for your body, but fructose has to be converted to glucose in your liver before it can be used. When you consume high levels of fructose, it is harder for your liver to convert it, and it can lead to cholesterol problems, fat storage in your liver, production of triglycerides, and free radical stress.
In addition, sugar has addictive properties for people and animals. Today, fruit is available all year long, and people use sugar on a daily basis. Before the modern times of instant access to anything you want, fruit was only available seasonally, and it was only available during its season. There was less of a concern with overconsumption because it was typically only available for short periods during the year.
There is more sugar in fruit today because corporations that grow fruit have selectively bred fruit-bearing plants to be bigger and sweeter, and they grow them year-round. This means that in addition to fruits being sweeter, their availability has led to increased consumption.

Fructose on Keto

Glucose and fructose are both sugars, but glucose is metabolized and used by your body to create energy for your cells to function. Fructose is also a carb, but it goes to your liver where it needs to be converted to glucose before it can be used as energy. When you digest fructose, your body will replenish its stores of liver glycogen, which can kick you out of ketosis. As with glucose, sucrose and fructose should be avoided when you are on the keto diet.

Are Fruits Nutritious

Most fruits are nutritious, but there can be a lot of carbs in fruit. When you are on the keto diet, it is important to focus on the foods that you can eat that are nutritious and low in carbs and to avoid those that are high in carbs. Many fruits do contain antioxidants that have health benefits such as lowering your risk or heart disease. Truth be told any fruit is better for you than processed junk food, but you need to limit how much you eat.

Chinese Medicine Diet

Interestingly, Traditional Chinese Medicine also agrees that eating too many fruits will lead to an imbalance in your body. This school of thought categorizes foods by their energies, which are cold, neutral, and hot. Raw fruits are thought to have cool energy, which promotes chilliness, congestion, depletion, fatigue, and mucus.
In addition, cool foods are thought to make you feel cold, give you a poor appetite, and cause stomach pain and bloating. As a result, Chinese Traditional Medicine recommends that people reduce their intake of fruits. This philosophy approaches eating from a medicinal standpoint, and they believe you should eat for health, not just for taste.

Top 15 Fruits to Eat on the Keto Diet

Although you will want to decrease the amount of fruit you eat on the keto diet, there are some fruits that are lower in sugar, particularly fructose. In addition, some fruits do have health benefits, and you are always better off to choose fruit over-processed foods. Take a look at the following 15 fruits that you can work on your keto diet.


Avocados are creamy fruits that are loaded with nutrients. In fact, a one-half cup serving has close to 12 grams of fat and 2.6 grams of net carbs. This serving size has 138 calories, and the high-fat content combined with the low carbs makes them perfect for the keto diet.
Avocados contain fiber, low carbs, healthy fats, potassium, and phytonutrients, and there is very little fructose in each serving. There is a lot you can do with an avocado, and you can eat more than one serving without worrying when you are on the keto diet.


Although some people group tomatoes with vegetables, they are actually a fruit. They are low in fat and in carbs, with only 2.4 grams of net carbs in each one-half cup. In addition, they have only 2.4 grams of sugar and 16 calories, so they are great if you are on the keto diet to lose weight.
An additional benefit of eating tomatoes is that they contain an antioxidant called lycopene, which may reduce the risk of heart disease. They also have vitamin C, potassium, vitamin K, and folate. You can prepare them for any number of ways, and they taste good raw or cooked. This versatile fruit is a great addition to your keto diet.


Lemons can add flavor to water and many other foods. They are citrus fruit, and they contain 29 calories in 100 grams. In addition, there are 2.8 grams of fiber, 6 grams of net carbs, and 1.1 grams of fructose. If you are adding lemon juice to your water, a standard serving is one tablespoon, which is 15 grams.
Lemons provide other health benefits. They contain natural vitamin C, known as ascorbic acid, and they are said to ward off kidney stones and freshen your breath. They are also known to help to maintain your pH levels, which is necessary for optimal cell function.


As with lemons, limes are citrus fruit, and they are fine for you if you are on a keto diet. They contain 30 calories in 100 grams, as well as 2.8 grams of fiber and 8.5 net carbs. Their fructose level is also very low at 0.6 grams. When you add lime juice to your water, a standard serving size is one tablespoon, which is the equivalent of 15 grams.
Limes are also full of potassium, vitamin A, Calcium, vitamin B, vitamin C, magnesium, and vitamin D. Limes have antioxidants, which can help to prevent damage brought on by free radicals and other chemicals that harm cells. Limes also improve digestion and fight infections, so this fruit is good for you.


Rhubarb is not as well known as the others on this list, but it is another keto-friendly fruit choice. A one-half cup serving only has 1.7 grams of net carbs, and it has 13 calories. In addition, it contains potassium, vitamin A, calcium, and vitamin C.
This fruit has a more tart taste, and you can eat it raw, roasted, or pureed in a low carb smoothie. Because it is so low in carbs, you will have no trouble adding it to your low carb diet.


While some people consider coconuts to be a nut or a seed, they are a fruit, and they are a great addition to your keto diet. Coconuts contain potassium, iron, zinc, copper, magnesium, vitamin B6, and selenium, and they have 354 calories in 100 grams, as well as 33 grams of fat, 9 grams of fiber, and 6 grams of carbohydrates.
You should eat the fleshy interior of the coconut as it has less fructose, and you will be getting plenty of healthy fats. Coconuts are a great addition to your keto diet.

Star Fruit

Star fruit isn’t as well known as other fruits on this list, but it is sweet, and you can enjoy it on the keto diet. A one-half cup serving of starfruit has 2.6 net carbs, as well as 1.8 grams of fiber and 2.6 grams of sugar. It has low calories and fiber, so it will also work if you are trying to lose weight.
Starfruit contains potassium and vitamin C, and you will be able to have more than one serving without kicking your body out of ketosis. This is definitely a fruit to enjoy without worrying that you will raise your carb count too high.

Bell Peppers

Bell peppers are versatile, and they add flavor to any meal. You can eat them raw or cooked, and they leave you feeling full. They have 20 calories in every 100 grams, and they also have 1.7 grams of fiber, 2.9 grams of carbs, and 1.12 grams of fructose.
Bell peppers also have health benefits. For instance, they have antioxidants that may reduce the risks of cancer and heart disease. They contain vitamin C and antioxidants called carotenoids. It is one of the healthiest fruits you can eat.


Raspberries are sweet and delicious, and you can have them on your keto diet. A one-half cup serving has only 3.3 grams of net carbs, as well as 4 grams of fiber and 2.7 grams of sugars. They also have vitamin C, and they are a great snack.
This fruit contains flavonoids, which are antioxidants that may reduce blood pressure and lower your risk of heart disease by promoting healthy arteries.


Cantaloupe is a sweet and delicious fruit, and a serving of one-half cup has only 5.8 grams of net carbs. It has 27 calories and 6.3 grams of sugar. In addition, cantaloupe has potassium, vitamin A, and vitamin C, which are all good for you.
Cantaloupe tastes great on its own, but you can combine it with watermelon and some berries to make a keto-friendly fruit salad. It is a refreshing lunch idea on a hot summer day.


Everyone loves strawberries, and you can have them on your keto diet. They have 5.7 grams of carbohydrates in each 100-gram serving, as well as 2 grams of fiber and 2.44 grams of fructose. They contain fiber, polyphenols, manganese, and potassium, which makes them one of the best choices of fruit.
They will have no trouble stopping your fruit cravings, and you can make a delicious dessert by squirting whip cream over them. Whip cream is high in fat, which is necessary for the keto diet.


Ripe blackberries are very sweet, and they are low carb as well. In a 1.2 cup serving of blackberries, there are only 4.7 grams of net carbs, and this serving has 27 calories and 4.1 grams of sugar. This means that you can make a blackberry smoothie and stay keto.
Blackberries also contain vitamin C, potassium, and folate. They also have strong antioxidants, and they are good for you. You can enjoy blackberries on the keto diet, and your fruit cravings will go away.


Plums are another low carb fruit, and they can be very sweet. They have 9.5 grams of carbohydrates in 100 grams, as well as 46 calories, 1.1 grams of fiber, and 3 grams of fructose. They are another fruit that is rich in antioxidants, and they can protect your cells from damage.
Fresh plums make a wonderful snack, and they have a lower chance of taking you over your carb count. They contain vitamin A, vitamin K, and vitamin C, as well as potassium, manganese, and copper.


Watermelon is one of the most common summer fruits, and you can continue this tradition on the keto diet. This fruit has 5.4 grams of net carbs in one-half cup, as well as 23 calories and 4.7 grams of sugar. It has high water content, so you will be able to eat it when you are trying to lose weight, and it contains vitamin A, as well. Another great idea is to mix small amounts of watermelon, cantaloupe, and berries in a fruit salad.


Blueberries are one of the highest-ranked fruits for antioxidant properties. They also have a lot of flavonoids. Each 100-gram serving has 57 calories and 11.6 grams of carbs. They have 57 calories, 2.4 grams of fiber, and 11.6 grams of carbohydrates. They also have 5 grams of fructose.
Blueberries also have trace amounts of many nutrients, and they have vitamin K, manganese, and vitamin C. You can sprinkle them on your breakfast or take them with you for a quick snack.

Can You Eat Fruit on Keto?

Yes. You can eat fruit on keto. This list of 15 low carb keto fruits is not exhaustive, but when you look at the facts, you can easily see that you can eat some fruits on the keto diet. The important thing is to watch your portions. Although some of these fruits have very low carb counts, if you eat more than the recommended serving size, you will be increasing your carbs.
Other fruits should be avoided because their carb count is too high, and they will likely kick you out of ketosis. In addition, you want to stick with fruits that are lower in fructose, as this sugar has to be digested in the liver, and it takes longer. You can use these fruits in many ways, as some can be baked, cooked, and pureed. Most of them will satisfy your sweet tooth and help to keep you focused on the keto diet. It is important to keep your carb count low so that you don’t kick your body out of ketosis, and having these fruits from time to time will help you to resist other sweets that are higher in carbs. 
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