Giant Edge Isolate UPGRAD3 - Whey Protein Isolate - 5lb
Giant Edge Isolate UPGRAD3 - Whey Protein Isolate - 5lb
Giant Edge Isolate UPGRAD3 - Whey Protein Isolate - 5lb
Giant Edge Isolate UPGRAD3 - Whey Protein Isolate - 5lb
Giant Edge Isolate UPGRAD3 - Whey Protein Isolate - 5lb
Giant Edge Isolate UPGRAD3 - Whey Protein Isolate - 5lb
Giant Edge Isolate UPGRAD3 - Whey Protein Isolate - 5lb
Giant Edge Isolate UPGRAD3 - Whey Protein Isolate - 5lb
Giant Edge Isolate UPGRAD3 - Whey Protein Isolate - 5lb
Giant Edge Isolate UPGRAD3 - Whey Protein Isolate - 5lb
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Giant Edge Isolate UPGRAD3 - Whey Protein Isolate - 5lb

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    Introducing Giant Edg3 Whey Protein Isolate , a superior protein source carefully crafted to deliver maximum purity and effectiveness. This high-quality protein powder is designed to provide you with the essential nutrients your body needs, while tantalizing your taste buds with delicious flavors. With a complete amino acid profile and 25g of protein per serving,  Giant Edg3 Whey Protein Isolate is the perfect choice for fitness enthusiasts who prioritize quality and results.

    Key Features:

    • Uncompromising Quality: Our Whey Protein Isolate is crafted with the utmost care, using only WPI90 to ensure exceptional quality. We prioritize purity and effectiveness to provide you with a trustworthy and reliable protein source.

    • Delicious Flavors: Indulge three delectable flavors: vanilla, chocolate, and cookies and cream. We have meticulously perfected each flavor to create a truly enjoyable experience, making your protein shake a delicious treat.

    • Typical Amino Acid Profile: Our Whey Protein Isolate powder contains a well-balanced blend of essential amino acids, including all the important branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). This optimal profile supports muscle repair, recovery, and growth, helping you achieve your fitness goals effectively.

    • 25g of Pure Protein: Each serving of our Whey Protein Isolate supplement provides a generous 25g of high-quality protein. This potent dose supports muscle protein synthesis, aids in muscle recovery, and helps to maintain and build lean muscle mass.*

    • Advanced Refining Process: Our Whey Protein Isolate undergoes a meticulous refining process to remove most of the lactose, fat, and carbohydrates, resulting in an incredibly pure form of whey protein. This refinement ensures that you receive a protein powder that is easily digestible and rapidly absorbed by your body.

    Usage Instructions: Mix one scoop with water, milk, or your preferred beverage in a shaker bottle or blender. Shake or blend until smooth, and enjoy the rich and creamy protein shake as a post-workout recovery drink or a convenient protein-rich snack. Adjust the liquid amount to achieve your desired consistency.

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